Το σχολείο μας συμμετείχε και φέτος στο 5th DSTMUN που έγινε στο Γερμανικό Σχολείο Θεσσαλονίκης (DST) από τις 18-20 Νοεμβρίου 2022.
Για πρώτη φορά 6 μαθητές/τριές μας συμμετείχαν στην επιτροπή του Διεθνούς Δικαστηρίου (ICJ – International Court of Justice Specialized Committee).
Τα συνέδρια MUN (MODEL UNITED NATIONS) είναι προσομοιώσεις του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών.
Η αποστολή μας αποτελούσε delegations of :
Montenegro | Disarmament and International Security Committee (GA1) |
Montenegro | Economic and Financial Committee (GA2) |
Montenegro | Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (GA3) |
Montenegro | Special Political and Decolonization Committee (GA4) |
Latvia | Council of the European Union (EU) |
Latvia | Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) |
Norway | Security Council (SC) |
Slovenia | Council of the European Union (EU) |
Οι μαθητές/τριές μας ήταν:
Iordanis | Zernidis |
Achilleas | Amanatiadis |
Foteini | Paraskevopoulou |
Anna | Serraiou |
Isaia | Serraiou |
Xanthippi | Papadopoulou |
Michaela | Florou |
Marilena | Kontogeorgou |
Ως μέλη του ICJ πήγαν :
“It was such a unique experience! It helped me develop my debating skills and gave me the opportunity to communicate with people from all around Greece. I learned things concerning international matters such as the conflict between Bosnia and Hergegovina. I am looking forward to the next MUN”,
Delegate of Norway, Security Council(SC)
“It was a great experience. I’m glad that I participated. Everyone in my committee was really sweet and friendly”,
Delegate of Latvia, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
“As a member of the ICJ (International Court of Justice) I learned so many things regarding the law and legal procedures”,
Dimitris ICJ
“The conference was an amazing experience. Everyone was really friendly and helpful. It was also very tiring but it was certainly worth it!”
Delegate of Montenegro Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (GA3)
“This year’s DSTMUN was a wonderful first experience considering the fact that I came closer with new people. Hard work was done and a lot of effort was put in order to complte our job”,
Vassilis ICJ
“It was a vey good experience as I got to learn how UN works and develop my English language skills”,
Delegate of Slovenia Council of the European Union (EU)
“The MUN has undeniably been an unforgettable experience. The level of the participants was very high as we managed to creat a simulation of the trial of 2008concerning the Interim Accord between the Hellenic Republic and FYROM. Overall, we gained significant experience and more importantly friends, whom otherwise we wouldn’t have made”,
Chryssa and Dafni ICJ
Υπεύθυνη εκπαιδευτικός ( Advisor ) των MUN στο σχολείο μας είναι η κ. Εύη Μαυροπούλου.